A Tech Diva at Age Two

After reading my post of  4/19/2011 “Ten Year Olds Rule The World”, a friend recounted the story of a two- year old relative who fought against some old technology. Apparently, the young tech diva’s grandmother was taking some pictures of her on a disposal camera. Well the two year old posed and cooperated after being the star of several of her mother’s photos and wanted her grandmother to know that same joy of  granddaughter to enjoy.

Immediately after a few poses the two year old leaned over to get a glance at the back of the disposal camera to see how she looked. She  was shocked and astonished at not seeing a display screen – wondering what kind of game her grandmother was playing. She crossed her arms in defiance. Realizing that her grandmother was using a “play” camera,  she protested and refused more poses. The grandmother’s pleas of, “Really, sweetie, this is a real camera” and “I have to take these to the drug store and get them developed” were only the ramblings of someone obviously out of touch with reality.

The two year old diva’s world is one where here contemporaries know how to Google and look up You Tube videos. It scary what the world will become in the year 2100 when she will only be 91.

Thanks for the story “G”.

Do you have story idea or comment  for Russ Anthony 411? If so, please leave one at the end of this article or email me at russ@russanthony411.com. It can take a few hours for your comments to post, so please check back later after you send it.

By the way, when you realize that all you know is all you know, then you will really begin to learn.



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