Three new Russ Anthony 411 Experience Videos Added To

Rutledge Hill View, For Harriet and Lake Condition are three new videos added to  You can read the description by going to The Russ Anthony 411 Experience by clicking here.

Occupy Wall St – Nashville (The Same Song)

Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Nashville are repeating the same message against corporate greed. I put together this short video clip, Occupy Wall St – Nashville (The Same Song) to express that. It’s like they are singing the same song along with other Occupy Together movements around the world. Please check out the latest video from Anthony-Denmark Communications on YouTube. On the RussAnthony411 Channel you will find other videos that support social causes. Thanks!

The Russ Anthony 411 Experience

During video shoots I often end up with footage that I cannot logically place in my usual productions. Therefore, I recently started a channel for informal and unconventional videos on I call the channel, “The Russ Anthony 411 Experience”. Please checkout my first entry, “A Moon’s Journey Home”. This video and others there do not relate to social work technology – just pure entertainment. You can play the video below or  click here.


I will continue to produce videos about social issues. Very soon you will see an increase in HD quality videos produced by Russ Anthony 411 and Anthony-Denmark Communications across the Internet. Details are coming soon. Thanks!

Nashville Mayor’s Dessert Budget Strategy

This a forty-three second video. Nashville mayor Karl Dean speaks in front of the Jackson Day 2011 audience presented by the Tennessee Democratic Party. He takes the opportunity to encourage visitors from all over the state to spend money. . . one helping at a time.

Russ Anthony 411 Promo

My latest video is Russ Anthony 411 Promo. This short (59 seconds) video illustrates some the components of social work technology that make make this so rewarding for me.  I have put together a few clips to highlight how social work technology can aid social workers in helping people and making social service agencies stronger. It was also a lot of fun to put together. Perhaps it will also inspire someone to increase their use of technology toward helping others. Feel free to leave a comment and or a suggestion. As always, thank you for visiting!

Jobs Not Cuts Rally – Nashville, TN

Anthony-Denmark Communications uses social work technology to help people in various ways. Producing videos of social events allows others to benefit from viewing activities without being at the location.  The latest Russ Anthony 411 release is “Jobs Not Cuts Rally – Nashville, TN“. It captures protestors, near the office of U.S. Senator Bob Corker, speaking out about the lack of job creation and economic policies. The event took place on August 25, 2011. The video shows protestors chanting and waving signs to the supportive motorists as they passed.  One of chants in this video sums up the position advocated by the demonstrators: “Corker says, ‘cutback’ and we say ‘fight back!'”  Let “Jobs Not Cuts Rally – Nashville, TN” encourage you to do more speak out and stand up for those in need.  Your comments and constructive criticisms are greatly appreciated.

Improving Tech Support for Community Service Organizations

Social work and Information Technology has existed on separate planes. Sure, any modern public service organization should have access to qualified internal/external IT professionals. Chose the right IT staff that is the best fit for your organization and see employee performance improve with the use of computers and applications designed to meet program outcome measurements. Management will also have access to timely and accurate reports that can be used to tell the organization story to funding sources and governing bodies.

Choose the wrong IT support and see employees frustrated by inappropriate computer equipment that gets in the way of helping to meet program goals. Management would also be frustrated by not being to provide accurate and useful data.

These pointers are applicable to the very small agency that uses IT consultants to large organizations that have a central IT department with IT support personnel also stationed through the agency. For this reason, “IT support” could be an individual, a group, an outside organization or any combination of these.

1) Have a technology plan. Information technology professionals vary in areas of specialty. The key is to find the support with the expertise in the areas that are important to your organization. To do this organization must have a technology plan that describes your current focus and future growth. Then choose IT support that will help you achieve your technology goals. Sometimes agencies cannot control who provides IT support. Even so, having a technology plan will allow community service organizations to stay focused on important areas of need. This approach will  not only be a better use of financial resources but will allow IT to spend time on the more critical aspects.

2) Know the difference between support and training. Know the difference between using IT support to address issues related to the installation and maintenance of your technology infrastructure and contacting IT to perform tasks that are found in the help menu, online or classes. This approach will  not only be a better use of financial resources but will allow IT to spend time on the more critical aspects.

3) Using a go-between. “IT is IT and social work is social work”, except when organizations employ the use of a social worker technologist to liaison between the two professions. Social work technology involves using a social worker with computer/technical ability to address IT issues – with a social worker’s understanding of how the work is performed. Basic problems can be solved before accessing IT staff for higher level involvement – if needed.  This approach will  not only be a better use of financial resources but will allow IT to spend time on the more critical aspects.

Does your community service organization lack a solid approach toward using IT support? By considering these three pointers, your community service organization will be able improve your use of computers and technology. However, it starts at the top of your organization where management must show a commitment to do things in a different way. supports the use of technology by social workers. To see how other social workers are using technology, please also read my blog post for additional resources.