Ten Year Olds Rule The World

Recently my niece showed me how to change my iPhone pass code from using four digits to the more secure alphanumeric mode. Two weeks ago, or so it seemed, I was patiently being the good uncle by explaining to her this fancy new gadget (original iPhone, circa 2007) I bought. “Look here, see the pretty lights?” I told her trying not to overwhelm her with technical jargon and concepts. So imagine my wounded pride a few days ago when she showed some frustration that I couldn’t follow her instructions with the pass code change. “No Uncle Russell! You go to settings…oh here, let me do it!” She used to be so cute. What happened? Was I starting to loose my touch? Here’s what happened: My niece learns and communicates with the world with a perspective starting in the early nineties. In her world everyone gathers information and processes it quickly. She does not know about calling the reference librarian to help with her home work or waiting for the paper to be delivered to get the news – of yesterday.

In the 1980’s  I worked as a retail manager for a well-known electronics retailer. As sales people we wowed customers by explaining how they could record one channel on their video cassette recorder while watching another channel on their television. It was like magic and we felt like kings. I felt like Marlon Brando in “Apocalypse Now”. Remember, “A snail slithers on a razor’s edge”. If you are fifty, like me, or older it is too easy to get comfortable with the technology that we know.

At home my niece has access to 300 channels on TV not three like we did; (well four if you include the public station). She hears about  something interesting and can go to the Internet and interact with that information right away. No reading the encyclopedia with its out of date maps and pictures of deposed world leaders. In her world information changes constantly and she adapts to it as needed.  Her way of thinking is in the present and future. The baby boom generation had it good for a while but “kids today” will one day see the rate of technological progress from the 1960’s to the 1990’s in months not decades.  They will not have the time nor desire to keep doing things the old way, just because it is the old way.

The jobs that have been lost due to technological improvements in manufacturing probably won’t be coming back. The days of working 40 years for a company from high school to retirement,  with employer-provided training along the way, have gone with the wind. The key to being successful in business and in a career is not counting how long you have been coming to work but the value  you possess. Information and education will be the keys to success. Previous jobs that called strictly for manual labor will be manual labor plus.  Digging a ditch plus designing the ditch. Loading trucks plus identifying logistics. Picking up trash plus evaluating costs of trash removal.

So my niece represents the change that is coming and is already here. There is always something new to learn and learning comes natural to her generation. It is not the desire to learn that is so different, it’s the ease as which information can be gathered. My hope is that her generation will not loose the power of discernment and wisdom that can come only with the words, “back in my day we didn’t have these new fangled…” Until then I am going to ask her to show me how I can get Internet service on my laptop by using the signal from my cell phone. If I’m lucky she will sigh with frustration and say, “Oh Uncle Russell, let me do it!”

By the way, it should make you mad or sad,  if  you let someone make you mad or sad.


Read about “Social Work Technology”

"Been comin' down this road for years. Don't see no harm"

This photo of a horse and buggy is from a story about looking at technology in a different way. See what an old technology has to do with new technology.

On March 11, 2011 in “About Russ Anthony 411“, I spoke briefly about “Social Work Technology”. I am happy to report that I have posted a description about Social Work Technology. You can read about it here or go to the top menu and click on “Social Work Technology”. There will be other articles posted on this topic. I appreciate your comments and feedback.

Creating A Meaningful Life with Lowell Perry, Jr.

Lowell Perry, Jr. gives a very topical and thoughtful delivery in the latest RussAnthony411 video from Anthony-Denmark Communications. “Creating a Beautiful Life with Lowell Perry, Jr.” will cause viewers to reexamine priorities and consider how the world is impacted by the decisions we make. This video is four minutes long. If you would like to see more of his speech please leave a comment at the end of this article, on the website were the video is being shown  or  email me at russ@russanthony411. com. Please click here to view.


The Evil Left by Long Distance Phone Charges

Next time you are in a crowd or driving down a busy street notice the people who are on the phone. It is funny because a lot of the people who are on their cell phones have someone right beside them or in the car. Yet, the telephone conversation takes precedence over the person next to the phone talker. We were not always so inconsiderate until we could take the phone out of the house.

We can blame the long distance phone call of yesterday. Remember. A family would get a long distance call and all regular activity in the house was put on hold. Let’s be real. If some one from “out of town” was calling, it was costing them  money so you had to answer it.


“Auntie, you have a telephone call!”,  you would yell out.

“Tell then to call back, I’m busy cleaning the bath tub!”

“It’s long distance from San Francisco!”

“Long distance!” Then she would hurdle furniture and small children in a scramble to get to the phone – apologizing profusely to the long distance caller when she did.

So the phone call demands our attention – even when Caller ID allows us to see who is calling and there is not a different charge for a local or long distance call. A ringing telephone demands our attention.

“I’m sorry its the bank/mechanic/sitter/dentist office, I have to take this” we say sheepishly.

Or if you’re the one calling, you are chastised for calling at a bad time. “What do you want? I’m in the dentist chair!”

Blame the long distance call for rearranging our priorities. It wasn’t that long ago if  you were walking down the street and heard someone talking to himself, you would think maybe some sort of mental illness. Now it is a status symbol with Blue-tooth technology. “You know, this person on the other end of the line is more important than you are”. That’s what the Blue-tooth phone talker is telling you. In fact all cell phone talkers are giving out that message. Except, the Blue-tooth talker makes a bigger show of it when you mistakenly think they are talking to you. They whisper or point to their device saying, “I’m on the phone, they’re more important than you. How dare you interrupt me?”  

But don’t blame the phone talker, blame the phone company for charging us for long distance. You know it made sense to us: The further you called, the more it cost. Then cell phones started giving “free” long distance. (It wasn’t free. If it was really free you could just make long distance calls and never be charged for anything if you did not call locally).

By the way, if you  foster positive relationships with family and friends during uneventful times, they are more likely to be present during significant occasions in your life.



8 Seconds of Passion

I am an Internet pauper standing at informational intersections. What I see concerns me. I am holding a sign. Instead of, “Will work for food”, my sign reads “Working, please click here. Takes  8 seconds”. Today, our civilization is at a cross roads. Where do we turn? Now that I have found my passion of putting a little more good in the world, I am very much aware of the negative influences shown over the Internet, cable TV and newspaper/magazines. Some of the most popular videos and sites are of people singing about bodily sounds, falling down or entertainment of the mishaps of others. I also enjoy reading and watching the sometimes hilarious posts on the Internet. I am not suggesting that we loose our sense of humor. Far from it. Laughter and watching others laugh is a needed human expression. But for 8 seconds you can make a positive change in the world and it won’t cost any money and very little time: 8 seconds.

The work of this site is my passion. For those of you who have found a career that is your your passion, you know of what I write: the late nights, the fearless in speaking to others about what you are doing and the ease of asking for what will make your endeavor successful. It will be unlike any other site you have seen before. Just read my earlier posts. It is difficult to translate my emotions into words when I speak of what this site will be. Putting a little more good in the world and leaving it a better place will be the outcome of all of my hard work. Today I ask for 8 seconds. For the 8 seconds it takes to click LIKE on the RussAnthony411 Facebook page, you can help put some more good in the world. That is what my site www.RussAnthony411.org seeks to accomplish. It only takes 8 seconds to click LIKE and make a difference. It’s okay, Charley will still be biting his brother’s finger. Thanks.

Why “Russ Anthony 411” is the Logo for Anthony – Denmark Communications

(Anthony – Denmark Communications is owned and operated by Russell B. Anthony).

Several of the videos that I have posted have contained the name “Anthony – Denmark Communications” or  “Anthony – Denmark Productions”. Anthony – Denmark Communications is the name of my business site where I work with community services to video, computer and event host/voice talent to marketer their messages to funding sources and potential clients. Russ Anthony 411 is a community service site that I use to showcase social work,  technology  and other useful information.

I started “Anthony – Denmark Communications” on March 11, 2011 and made a quiet announcement to family and friends on my personal Facebook page. It is amazing the flurry of activity that has taken place since that time. It is so crystal clear in my mind now the meaning of the phrase, “Do what is your passion”. Your paasi0n is something you would do if you were not getting paid. In fact, it is something that you would gladly pay to do. I have a full-time job doing other work. I am so grateful and thank that I have a job that allows me to spend money on my passion. Doing the work you can watch and read about on this site is my passion.  It is something that, at times,  I gladly stay up all night doing because I feel that I do not have enough time during the day to get it all done.

Before, I thought my passion was to become a radio announcer. Did that, liked it but it wasn’t my passion. Then I thought about being a electrical engineer, was on my way, liked it,  but it wasn’t my passion. Financial Planner? No. Network marketing? No. Retail management? No. University administrator? Nursing home director? Insurance sales? No. No. No.

It was the path that led me to social work that made me realize that I enjoy having a job that helps others. Social work is hard work because the people we assist are getting the help that they cannot get easily elsewhere. I can see now that, gradually, I have been on the path to helping others through the use of technology for a long time. Is so clear to me that I can use the experiences that I have gained over the years to assist a variety of community programs and their customers.

Whatever course the rest of my life may take me. I want to remember how I feel at this moment. A moment where it feels like there is so much more work to be done in this field that I call social work technology. I will post a fuller description of the meaning of  social work technology in the future. However,  it is the field of social work that uses computers, video, the Internet and other electronic means to improve the effectiveness of social programs and better the lives of the people they serve. In short, social work technology is a tool used by social workers to improve the lives of others.

So the title, “Why ‘Russ Anthony 411’ is the Logo for Anthony – Denmark Communications” means that I always want to remember where I started (Denmark, TN) and where I found my passion (Anthony – Denmark Communications).

Anthony – Denmark Communications is at www.anthony-denmark.com.

By the way, if you really enjoyed your job, wouldn’t you pay to do it?


You Give Music Downloading A Bad Name

(Disclosure: I like Bon Jovi’s music. This post is about his views on music downloading and the impact of such thinking on the development of other technologies).

According to reports attributed to the London Sunday Times, rocker Jon Bon Jovi is mad at Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs and iTunes. Apparently Mr. Bon Jovi is none too happy with iTunes’ staggering amount of  downloads. Sure, Jon Bon Jovi makes money from iTunes music download purchases, but you are missing the point.

Apple allows people to download a lot of music. Jon and his band, Bon Jovi, were at their peak in the 1980’s and 1990’s. They put out some real toe tappers and knee slappers. Jon must yearn for the days when we only caught new music if it was being played on the radio or on MTV. Then we waited for it to come out. (Doesn’t come out sound better than released. Released sounds like the the record companies are teasing us. “Oh the album is finished, but we’re not releasing it until we’re good and ready”). So we waited for the song to come out – on its own I might add. Then we rushed to go the store and get a copy before the store runs out. (What is this “running out”? That sounds like the album was wild.”We don’t know what happened Mr. Customer – it just ran out  (on its own.) What they didn’t tell you is that a call could be made to the distributor at anytime.  Besides you’re in the store. Just look around for something else. Then try next week when the record magically just comes in. Remember when the record store lied to us: “It may be in the shipment – we don’t know”. So then if you were fortunate to buy the album you had to wait until you got home to play it.

So Jon let me get this straight. You’re saying that traveling  to the store, parking, waiting in line- sometimes a long line – then driving back your home is better than going to the computer and listening to a 90-second preview before you buy it? You could almost download and listen to that same album on iTunes in the time it takes for a round trip to the store . Jon Bon Jovi wants you back in the store. Jon Bon Jovi is “Living On A Prayer”.

Here’s some other things Jon Bon Jovi might want to scold.

  1. The refrigerator defroster. People should enjoy taking the time to chip the ice off with a knife. You can’t forget either unplugging the fridge to put down down towels as the ice slowly melts.
  2. Self cleaning ovens. Oh the days of scraping and scrubbing. How miss we trying to avoid the small specks that would fly in the air during the process.
  3. Flat screen TV’s. Man,  I would love to lug one of those heavy tube televisions around again during a move.
  4. Calling the reference librarian. Why take a few seconds to search for it on the Internet when you could wait on the phone and have the librarian search the card catalog, or a phone book, or a newspaper or (I think you get it by now).

“Goodbye to all my yesterdays, goodbye, I’m on my way…” (From “Yesterday” by Bon Jovi; from the album “Bounce”).

Technology can sometimes take away old ways. However, new ways emerge that can be just as gratifying. Online Internet sites like iTunes allows us to share our music, movies and books with others. By sharing through technology we are drawn together – not apart. In the last 20 years we have communicated with people in ways the world has never seen before. These technologies can either bring us together or draw us apart. As a society we continue to use technology for good by bringing cell and satellite access to underdeveloped ares. Gone are the days when neighbors would huddle around a radio or television because it was the only one on the block. Some people missed those days because it brought the neighborhood together for shared social activities. Although the radio/television brought the neighbors together; they still were required to talk to each other. Shopping online for music allows for a different sharing experience by sharing music lovers around the world. The thing that brings people together is music but they still have to talk to each other. Surely Jon Bon Jovi understands that if people do not like the music they will not buy online, in a store or on a street corner. The same is true with any technology. We must keep in mind that technology is a tool we use. It is the message that matters.

By the way, what another person is planning to accomplish is more valuable to that person than what you have already accomplished.


“In Some Towns There Are More People Dead Than Living…”

People all over the world are helping Japan tsunami victims. Schools, faith communities and concerned citizens are getting involved.

RussAnthony411 wants to write a special post about relief efforts.

Please leave a comment below or email me at russ@russanthony411.com (notice that the email is .com and not .org)

Be sure to mention the city, state and or country where the event is taking place so that someone in your area can join in. You can also send Internet links for organizations and news stories.

I am compiling a list for readers to post comments about helpful organizations.

On March 13, 2011 a visitor to RussAnthony411.org wrote:

Nashville, TN Rescue Mission (615) 312-1574- Hope Center has a 7 month program that is Biblically based life recovery program for women. The program emphasis is on alcohol and drug recovery. Women can bring their children with them and the children can attend local schools. The program is a free shelter.

The Hope Center program is for the woman who realizes that she needs time away from the people or places that contribute to her addiction.

Thanks to you Russ for providing this site to our community.

“Unknown” Nashville, TN

Thanks “Unknown” for getting the word out.

By the way, if someone has suffered a loss don’t ask, “Is there anything I can do?” Just do anything you can do.






Raining Down and Up – What Kind of Difference?

Tennessee Education Association Rally Nashville, TN March 5, 2011

Rain is only called “rain” while its in the air. Otherwise its just water. Pain is only pain when you feel it. Otherwise its second hand information.

I was watching a very popular  reality television show a few months ago. Someone in the position of authority stated something to the effect of, “I like being out here working in the streets with people because I can make a difference. It may be good or it may be bad. But at least I’m making a difference”.

Well that’s just selfish.

Shouldn’t we want to be make a positive impact on someone’s life? And if it did not result in an positive outcome – shouldn’t we bemoan that? This this guy – he just liked the power. I guess. Seeing someone suffer is going to have an effect on you. Either you are going to soften your heart or harden your heart. Watching, reading or hearing pain forces us to move toward softness or hardness. Most of the time we are not aware of those small emotional shifts in our thoughts.

Sometimes we are.

I attended a support rally for the Tennessee Education Association and was very encouraged by the numbers of teachers who came by the bus load from around the state of Tennessee. Now, I’m not losing comparing collective bargaining with the tragedies mentioned earlier. However, it was raining for three hours and they cheered, chanted and marched through downtown Nashville. It was an impressive sight. It reminds me of watching a professional football game where the players compete through the harsh weather because they are so focused on the outcome and supporting one another. I was compelled to capture what I saw on video because seeing those teachers and other supporters encouraged me. So as he rain came down, I got up and decided that I wanted to put a little more positiveation (is that a word?) in the world. The Internet can do much to spread information about helping other. Let us be inspired and inspire others to shared the great things people are doing. I want to post information that you have about agencies, programs and people who are making a difference (read the second paragraph above).

One of my videos is called “Tennessee Teachers Signs of Rain”. I thought about using “Teachers in the Rain Holding Signs” – it just did not have the feeling I wanted to convey. Some of their signs were some political jabs but mostly the signs pointed toward the results they wanted.

I want to present stories, photos and videos of people, communities and organizations that improving the lives of others. This will encourage to remain hopeful and others to join in and lend a hand. Electronic media gives us instant news showing us instant pain from the devastation from this week’s earthquake in Japan. We have seen it before in tragedies from Haiti, Hurricane Katrina and the World Trade Center. Much too many example and inevitably more to come in the future.

Electronic media also gives us instant ways to help. Farm Aid, USA for Africa, and Comic Relief, and Live Aid have shown how financial and humanitarian resources can reach people in disaster areas quickly. Putting a little bit more of good in the world is the type of information to be presented by RussAnthony411. The teachers of the Tennessee Education Association could have used rain as excuse to call off their rally. Instead as the rain was coming down, they motivated me to get up and do something (read second paragraph again).

By the way, if you complained that someone walked by you without saying anything – maybe they were waiting for you to say something first.



It Started With An iPhone

Well today is the first day. I am so excited that you have visited here. My name is Russ Anthony and this is RussAnthony411.org. I am a social worker and this site allows me to use my computer and multimedia interests to promote various social work causes. The 411 is a little “old school” but it is for information. Information that will be provided by this site by the administrators and users of RussAnthony411.org. It started with an iPhone. Last week, I attended a rally in Nashville to support teachers in the Tennessee Education Association. I was amazed at how many people showed up in the rain to march through downtown. my first thought was to just get out my cell phone and video some scenes to show to friends and family.   The teachers marched, sang and cheered all the way to the Capitol. It was incredible. Then it continued to rain and they cheered and sang some more through the speeches at the rally. What an amazing bunch of folks.

The videos of the march can be found on RussAnthony411’s YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/russanthony411

It started with an iPhone five days ago and now I am writing my first blog for RussAnthony411.org, adding content to RussAnthony411’s FaceBook page and planning for the next RussAnthony411 YouTube video. To do all of this this I could really use your help. If this topic interests you, let us create something that could potentially help a lot of people. Many people need help and many are willing to give it – often connecting the “needers” (is that a word?) and the givers together is difficult. There has to be a better way to share that information. RussAnthony411.org will use a video, commentary and links to resources to put needers (okay, it’s a RussAnthony411 word) and givers together.  I believe that there are enough concerned people in Nashville and Jackson, Tennessee;  Milwaukee and  Madison, Wisconsin to help those less fortunate. I believe that there are enough concerned people in other places in the world also but I have only lived the cities I mentioned.

RussAnthony411.org will post community needs that other areas have solved. For example, homeless shelters for families with older teen boys, adequate public transportation for second shift/weekend employment, “if-you-don’t-pay-child-support-you-go-to-jail-so-you-can’t-pay-child-support” cycle are deserving concerns. Or how about the time, effort and resources that are spent assisting a family who is 1) receiving public assistance and 2) staying in public/subsidized housing find rental assistance when they are…receiving public assistance to stay in… public/subsidized housing. The answer is out there for a lot of solutions and it is hoped that RussAnthony411.org can be an additional resource for those who care about helping people. Helping through technology.

So again, this is my first attempt at creating a website so it will surely look different in the days ahead. In the meantime, if you are not able leave a post here, please go to YouTube or FaceBook for RussAnthony411. Although my first post was a little preachy, I want to keep the tone light-hearted.

By the way, if you lose something and it’s not where it’s supposed to be – look where it’s not supposed to be.
