8 Seconds of Passion

I am an Internet pauper standing at informational intersections. What I see concerns me. I am holding a sign. Instead of, “Will work for food”, my sign reads “Working, please click here. TakesĀ  8 seconds”. Today, our civilization is at a cross roads. Where do we turn? Now that I have found my passion of putting a little more good in the world, I am very much aware of the negative influences shown over the Internet, cable TV and newspaper/magazines. Some of the most popular videos and sites are of people singing about bodily sounds, falling down or entertainment of the mishaps of others. I also enjoy reading and watching the sometimes hilarious posts on the Internet. I am not suggesting that we loose our sense of humor. Far from it. Laughter and watching others laugh is a needed human expression. But for 8 seconds you can make a positive change in the world and it won’t cost any money and very little time: 8 seconds.

The work of this site is my passion. For those of you who have found a career that is your your passion, you know of what I write: the late nights, the fearless in speaking to others about what you are doing and the ease of asking for what will make your endeavor successful. It will be unlike any other site you have seen before. Just read my earlier posts. It is difficult to translate my emotions into words when I speak of what this site will be. Putting a little more good in the world and leaving it a better place will be the outcome of all of my hard work. Today I ask for 8 seconds. For the 8 seconds it takes to click LIKE on the RussAnthony411 Facebook page, you can help put some more good in the world. That is what my site www.RussAnthony411.org seeks to accomplish. It only takes 8 seconds to click LIKE and make a difference. It’s okay, Charley will still be biting his brother’s finger. Thanks.

Online Vote #1

Please click here to watch and my vote on my Anthony – Denmark end logo 1 on You Tube. Thank you.